perl library mismatched after debian 9->10 dist-upgrade

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Skribent: Norman Zimmer
Til: LUSC Liste
Emne: perl library mismatched after debian 9->10 dist-upgrade
Hallo zusammen,

ich hab auf einem Bugzilla-Server ein Dist-Upgrade von Debian9 auf
Debian10 gemacht. Leider funktioniert nun irgendwas am "perl" nicht
mehr und ich bekomme im Apache-Log sowie bei diversen Perl-Befehlen
die folgende Fehlermeldung:

"library and perl binaries are mismatched"

Jetzt hab ich schon die verschiedensten Lösungsansätze probiert und
komme hier nicht weiter. Irgenwer eine Ahnung davon und vielleicht ist
es ganz einfach? ;)

Unten die Infos, die ich vom Server zusammengetragen habe.

LG Norman

uname -a: Linux bz 4.19.0-11-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.146-1 (2020-09-17) x86_64 GNU/Linux

/etc/debian_version: 10.6

perl --version: This is perl 5, version 28, subversion 1 (v5.28.1) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi

root@bz:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu# ls -al |grep libperl
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Jul 21 21:27 ->
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3233496 Jul 21 21:27

root@bz:~# ldconfig -p |grep libperl (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

root@bz:~# dpkg -l |grep "^ii perl"
ii perl 5.28.1-6+deb10u1 amd64 Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language
ii perl-base 5.28.1-6+deb10u1 amd64 minimal Perl system
ii perl-modules-5.28 5.28.1-6+deb10u1 all Core Perl modules

root@bz:/var/www/bz/sandbox# ./
* This is Bugzilla 5.0.6 on perl 5.28.1
* Running on Linux 4.19.0-11-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.146-1 (2020-09-17)

Checking perl modules...
Checking for (v3.51) ok: found v4.51
Checking for Digest-SHA (any) ok: found v6.02
Checking for TimeDate (v2.23) ok: found v2.24
Checking for DateTime (v0.75) ok: found v1.52
Checking for DateTime-TimeZone (v1.64) ok: found v2.41
Checking for DBI (v1.614) ok: found v1.643
Checking for Template-Toolkit (v2.24) ok: found v3.009
Checking for Email-Sender (v1.300011) ok: found v1.300035
Checking for Email-MIME (v1.904) ok: found v1.949
Checking for URI (v1.55) ok: found v1.76
Checking for List-MoreUtils (v0.32) ok: found v0.428
Checking for Math-Random-ISAAC (v1.0.1) ok: found v1.004
Checking for JSON-XS (v2.01) ok: found v4.02

Checking available perl DBD modules...
SQLite.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got handshake key 0xdb80080, needed 0xce00080)

root@bz:/var/www/bz/sandbox# ./ --all
Checking for CPAN (v1.81) ok: found v2.20
Checking for YAML (any) ok: found v1.29
Checking for ExtUtils-MakeMaker (v6.31) ok: found v7.34
SQLite.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got handshake key 0xdb80080, needed 0xce00080)

root@bz:~# cpan install DBD::SQLite
Reading '/root/.cpan/Metadata'
Database was generated on Tue, 13 Oct 2020 04:41:02 GMT
DBD::SQLite is up to date (1.66).

[Tue Oct 13 08:48:51.606186 2020] [cgi:error] [pid 1187] [client] AH01215: CRC32.c: loadable library and perl binaries are mismatched (got handshake key 0xdb80080, needed 0xce00080): /var/www/bz/sandbox/createaccount.cgi, referer:

Norman "bigboss" Zimmer
GnuPG-ID: 0x1842A431

Packets don't lie, but they may not tell everything if captured by a misconfigured filter.

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